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My name is Rel.

I've been editing Wikis for who knows how many years, probably mid or late 2016(?). I was brought on as 'Wiki Specialist' apart of the Content Team for Fandom as a paid Contractor/Staff member back in 2019. I helped countless wikis improve wiki articles, update/adjust themes and adjust content structure to best optimize SEO and draw in traffic. Due to the hidden ego within the brand, I left Fandom in early 2023 and moved all my wikis over. With my knowledge and background, I strive to make a great competitor against Fandom in both functionality and SEO, I love a good battle.

I mostly live on PUBG Wiki as the Admin (we forked away from Fandom to in 2023, you can read the latest on why PUBG Wiki switched, Read the latest on why PUBG Wiki switched here) it was my project of mine since 2016.

If need be, you can contact me on Twitter or Discord the fastest.

Twitter: @azgoodaz

Discord: Send a message request to azgoodaz#8256.
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