Story and History

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As revealed in the content released to date, the main conflict centers around an invading force known as the Ode that dwells in floating castles. Using music, the Ode enthralled the native inhabitants of Midrath, corrupting them in some manner. Some individuals are taken and indoctrinated, used as agents and conscripts to enforce Ode'n will. The broader aims of the Ode remain unclear, but it includes aggressive harvesting of natural resources that have left the lands of Alca damaged and depleted.

Transcript of Poem from First Cinematic Trailer[edit]

It began as song pitched sweet and solemn
And they that heard 'came hollow, fallen
Their children raised in castles loft
Made hunters, grave of others, not

Yet 'yond the pale of Ode'n sky
Live verdant fields of rain and wild
Where omen beasts of Alca's lost
Remember still and tell the cost

So listen well Envoys of shame
And bear their souls within your frame
Find your spirit, your grace renewed
And return to earth her power true

Translation of Hidden Poem from Official Website[edit]

When day wrought night they did arrive
Not sea nor hoof but from the sky
Knight-maidens strong rode to face them
Yet not a sword was drawn

For within that night songs were cast
And we who heard them lost our past
Our virtues, love, and spirit fled
So hollow was the dawn

Now mothers send their children there
To Ode'n castles crowning air
Returning spies to peel our thoughts
With souls so twisted wrong

New industry demands the earth
Our verdant fields bled grey of worth
The beasts of feast now lost to famine
Great Alca's flesh stripped raw

While hope in us has come to rust
Strange kin remain with the Alca's trust
Cross distant shores old souls arise
Relic wolf and bear, and faun

Those we plundered now we seek
For ancient ties that withered weak
To cast a bargain entwining fate
And reforging honored bonds...

To the world.