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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Weapons/doc

---	'''Weapons''' contains all of [[WARFRAME]]'s [[Weapons|weapon]] data.<br />
--	@module			weapons
--	@alias			p
--	@attribution	[[User:Scientia|Scientia]]
--	@attribution	[[User:FINNER|FINNER]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Falterfire|Falterfire]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Gigamicro|Gigamicro]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Flaicher|Flaicher]]
--	@attribution	[[User:Synthtech|Synthtech]]
--	@image		IconPrimaryWeaponRifle.png
--	@require	[[Module:StaticObject]]
--	@require	[[Module:DamageTypes]]
--	@require	[[Module:Math]]
--	@require	[[Module:Table]]
--	@require	[[Module:Tooltips]]
--	@require	[[Module:Version]]
--	@require	[[Module:Weapons/data]]
--	@release	stable
--	<nowiki>

-- TODO: Add LuaDoc style comments to new functions
local p = {}

local import = require([[Module:Delay]]).import -- For delayed imports

local Math = import([[Module:Math]]) -- formatnum
local StatObject = require [[Module:StaticObject]]
local Table = import([[Module:Table]]) -- size, skpairs
local Tooltip = import([[Module:Tooltips]]) -- full, icon
local Version = import([[Module:Version]]) -- _getVersion, _getVersionDate
local WeaponData = import([[Module:Weapons/data]])

local iterationOrderArray = require([[Module:DamageTypes]]).iterationOrderArray

-- TODO: Should decouple from localized names for internationalization
local VARIANT_LIST = { }

table.unpack = table.unpack or unpack

p.__StatObject = StatObject
local statRead = StatObject.statRead
local statFormat = StatObject.statFormat

local indexes = StatObject.meta.indexes
local ors = StatObject.meta.ors
local unpacks = StatObject.meta.unpacks

local passes = StatObject.meta.passes
local percent = StatObject.meta.percent
local percents = StatObject.meta.percents

---	Gets the attack entry from weapon entry.
--	@function		p._getAttack
--	@param			{table} weap Weapon entry
--	@param[opt]		{number|table} atk Attacks table index or Attack entry
--	@return			{table} A single weapon+attack struct
local function getWeaponAttack(weap, atk)
	if type(atk) == 'number' then return StatObject.getStruct2(weap,weap.Attacks[atk]) end
	if weap.AttackName then return weap end
	if type(atk) == 'table' then return StatObject.getStruct2(weap,atk) end
	local key = atk or weap['_TooltipAttackDisplay'] or 1
	if weap.Attacks == nil then
		error('p._getWeaponAttack(weap, atk): Attacks table is nil in '
	return StatObject.getStruct2(weap,weap.Attacks[key])
p._getAttack = getWeaponAttack
p._getWeaponAttack = getWeaponAttack

function p._statRead(w, a, ...)
	return statRead(getWeaponAttack(w, a), ...)
function p._statFormat(w, a, ...)
	return statFormat(getWeaponAttack(w, a), ...)
function p.stat(frame)
	return p._statFormat(p._getWeapon(frame.args[1] or 'Skana Prime'), nil, frame.args[2] or 'Name')

-- Wrapper function for use in StatObject
local function dmgTooltip(damageType)
	return Tooltip.full(damageType, 'DamageTypes')

-- Defining getters/attributes whose names match the associated database key or some custom derived attribute.
-- Index key will be name of getter function and can be mapped to a single value (getter definition) 
-- or a table with two values (getter and format function definitions)

-- Cheatsheet on adding new keys:
-- StatName = default value -> Get raw value with the same StatName from M:Weapons/data and with no additional formatting (aka default formatting)
-- StatName = function(self) return self.StatName + 1 end -> Define custom getter function and use default formatting
-- StatName = { default value, '%.2f' } -> Get raw value value with same StatName from M:Weapons/data and use format string for formatting
-- StatName = { function(self) return ... end, '%.2f' } -> Define custom getter function and use format string for formatting
-- StatName = { function(self) return ... end, function(self, returnValue1, returnValue2, ...) return tostring(returnValue) end } - > Define custom getter and format functions
-- (Note that format function will pass in return value(s) from getter as well as object self)

-- TODO: Put StatObject keys in alphabetical order for navigation
StatObject.default = {
AttackName = 'Normal Attack',
AmmoCost = nil,
AmmoPickup = function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk['AmmoPickup'] or
		weapAtk['Slot'] == 'Primary' and 80 or 
		weapAtk['Slot'] == 'Secondary' and 40 or 
		weapAtk['Slot'] == 'Archgun (Atmosphere)' and 1000 or
DamageBias = {
		if not weapAtk.Damage then
			error('DamageBias: no Attack.Damage')
			return 0, 0, 0
		local total, bestdmg, bestdt = 0, 0, nil
		for dt, dmg in pairs(weapAtk.Damage) do
			local dmg = dmg
			if dmg >= bestdmg then
				bestdmg, bestdt = dmg, dt
			total = total + dmg
		return StatObject.ucacheIn(weapAtk, 'DamageBias', { bestdmg / total, bestdt, total })
	{ percent, passes(dmgTooltip), '' }
BiasPortion = { indexes('DamageBias', 1), percent },
BiasType = { indexes('DamageBias', 2), function(self, biasType) return Tooltip.icon(biasType, 'DamageTypes') end },
BaseDamage = { indexes('DamageBias', 3), '%.2f' },
-- More precise damage values to 4 decimal places for PvP since PvP damage is calculated
-- based on a floating-point scalar. Damage quantization is more relevant in PvP so more
-- precise numbers needed.
PvPBaseDamage = { indexes('DamageBias', 3), '%.4f' },
TotalDamage = { function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'BaseDamage') * statRead(weapAtk, 'Multishot')
end, passes(Math.formatnum)
-- Including max +60% Progenitor bonus for Kuva/Tenet weapons
TotalDamageWithProgenBonus = { function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'TotalDamage') * (statRead(weapAtk, 'IsLichWeapon') and 1.6 or 1)
end, passes(Math.formatnum)
ChargeTime = { 0, '%.1f s' },
ExplosionDelay = { 0, '%.1f s' },
ExtraHeadshotDmg = { 0, percents('+%.2f%%') },
Falloff = {
		local fo = weapAtk['Falloff'] or {}
		return fo.StartRange or 0, fo.EndRange or math.huge, 1 - (fo.Reduction or 1)
	{ '%.1f m (100%%) -', '%.1f m', percents('(%.2f%%)') }
FalloffStart = { indexes('Falloff', 1), '%.1f m' },
FalloffEnd = { indexes('Falloff', 2), '%.1f m' },
-- Damage reduction from falloff instead of damage multiplier
FalloffReduction = { function(weapAtk)
	local _, _, falloff = statRead(weapAtk, 'Falloff')
	return 1 - falloff
end, percent
FalloffRate = { function(weapAtk)
	local startdist,enddist,endpercent = statRead(weapAtk, 'Falloff')
	return -(enddist-startdist)/(endpercent-1)
end, '%.1fm/%%'
HeadshotMultiplier = { 1, '%.1fx' },
Multishot = 1,
PunchThrough = { 0, '%.1f m' },
ShotSpeed = { nil, function(self, shotSpeed)
	if shotSpeed == nil then
		return 'N/A'
	return ('%.1f m/s'):format(shotSpeed)
BurstDelay = { 0, '%.4f s' },
BurstReloadDelay = { 0, '%.2f s' },
BurstsPerSec = { function(weapAtk)
	-- There is no delay after last shot in burst
	return 1 / ( (1 / statRead(weapAtk, 'FireRate') ) + statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstDelay') * ( statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstCount') - 1) )
end, '%.2f bursts/sec' },
CritChance = { 0, percent },
CritMultiplier = { 1, '%.2fx' },
ForcedProcs = { unpacks('ForcedProcs'), function(s, ...)
	local procs = { ... }
	if procs[1] == nil then
		return 'No forced procs'
	local result = {}
	for _, proc in ipairs(procs) do
		table.insert(result, Tooltip.full(proc, 'DamageTypes'))
	return table.concat(result, ', ')
Radius = { 0, '%.1f m' },
StatusChance = { 0, percent },
Disposition = {
		local d = weap['Disposition']
		-- Returning a categorical bin value of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 based on where disposition value
		-- is on the continuous scale of 0.5-1.55. If disposition value is nil then return 0
		return d or 0, type(d)=='number' and math.floor(5*(d-.3+.009*(d<1 and 1 or -1))) or 0
	function(s, v, d)
		return StatObject.default.Dispo[2](s, d)..(' (%.2fx)'):format(v)
Dispo = { indexes('Disposition', 2), function(s, d)
	if d and d == d and d > 0 then
		return ('●'):rep(math.min(d, 5))..('○'):rep(5 - d)
	return '×××××' -- '●○×' --> E2978F E2978B C397
end },
Introduced = { function(weap)
	return weap['Introduced'] and Version._getVersion(weap['Introduced'])['Name'] or 'N/A'
end, passes(Version._getVersionLink)
IntroducedDate = function(weap)
	return weap['Introduced'] and Version._getVersionDate(weap['Introduced']) or 'N/A'
IsLichWeapon = function(weap)
	return weap['IsLichWeapon'] and true or false
Mastery = 0,
Link = { nil, '[[%s]]' },
Name = { nil, function(s, v) return Tooltip.full(v, 'Weapons') end },
InternalName = '',
NameLink = { function(weap) return weap.Link, weap.Name end, '[[%s|%s]]' },
Polarities = { nil, passes(Polarity._pols) },
Traits = { unpacks('Traits'), { sep = ', ' } },
-- Default nil b/c some attacks don't have an associated accuracy/spread value (like AoE explosions)
Accuracy = { nil, function(self, value)
	if (value == nil) then
		return 'N/A'
	return value
-- Inverse of accuracy. Spread of 1 equates to no spread.
-- Alternatively, it can be calculated by the average of min and max spread, see AvgSpread getter.
Spread = { function(weapAtk)
	local accuracy = statRead(weapAtk, 'Accuracy')
	return (accuracy == nil) and nil or 100 / accuracy
end, function(self, value)
	if (value == nil) then
		return 'N/A'
	return value
AmmoType = function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk['AmmoType'] or ({
		['Archgun (Atmosphere)'] = 'Heavy',
		['Secondary'] = 'Secondary',
		['Primary'] = 'Primary'
	})[weapAtk['Slot']] or 'None'
-- Not all weapons have an Exilus slot so default to nil
ExilusPolarity = { nil, function(self, exilusPolarity)
	if (exilusPolarity == nil) then
		return 'N/A'
	return Polarity._polarity(exilusPolarity)
Magazine = 1,
AmmoMax = { function(weapAtk)
	if statRead(weapAtk, 'IsMelee') then
		return nil
	return weapAtk['AmmoMax'] or math.huge
end, passes(Math.formatnum)
Range = { function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk['Range'] or statRead(weapAtk, 'ShotType') == 'Hit-Scan' and 300 or 0
end, '%.1f m'
Reload = { ors('Reload', 'RechargeTime', 0), '%.2f s' },
RechargeTime = { function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'ReloadStyle'):find'[Rr]egen' and statRead(weapAtk, 'Magazine') / statRead(weapAtk, 'ReloadRate') or nil
end, '%.2f s'
ReloadRate = { 0, '%.2f rounds/sec' },	-- Used for rechargeable weapons; not necessarily inverse of reload time b/c of presence of reload delay
ReloadDelay = { function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk['ReloadDelay'] or 0
end, '%.2f s'
ReloadDelayEmpty = { ors('ReloadDelayEmpty', 'ReloadDelay'), '%.2f s' },
-- Reload speed will be calculated as the inverse of reload time for purposes
-- of keeping how we rank stats consistent for [[Module:Weapons/preprocess]]
-- (larger number = higher stat; a short reload time can be expressed as fast reload 
-- speed which would be a larger value in magnitude)
ReloadSpeed = { function(weapAtk)
	return 1 / statRead(weapAtk, 'Reload')
end, function(str, reloadSpeed)
	return string.format('%.2f%% reload progress per second', reloadSpeed * 100)
end },
ReloadStyle = 'Magazine',
Spool = { 0, '%d rounds' },
SpoolStartFireRate = { 0, '%.1fx' },	-- scalar that is applied to fire rate stat for auto-spool weapons
AvgSpread = { function(weapAtk)
	local minSpread = statRead(weapAtk, 'MinSpread')
	local maxSpread = statRead(weapAtk, 'MaxSpread')
	if (minSpread == nil) then
		return nil
	return (minSpread + maxSpread) / 2
end, function(self, value)
		if (value == nil) then
			return 'N/A'
		return ('%.2f°'):format(value)
-- Default nil b/c some attacks don't have an associated accuracy/spread value (like AoE explosions)
MinSpread = { nil, function(self, value)
	if (value == nil) then
			return 'N/A'
		return ('%.2f°'):format(value)
MaxSpread = { nil, function(self, value)
	if (value == nil) then
			return 'N/A'
		return ('%.2f°'):format(value)
Trigger = 'N/A',
BlockAngle = { 0, '%d&#176;' },
ComboDur = { 0, '%.1f s' },
FollowThrough = { 0, '%.1fx' },
HeavyAttack = { 0, passes(Math.formatnum) },
HeavySlamAttack = { 0, passes(Math.formatnum) },
HeavyRadialDmg = { 0, passes(Math.formatnum) },
HeavySlamRadius = { 0, '%.1f m' },
MeleeRange = { 0, '%.2f m' },
SlamAttack = { 0, passes(Math.formatnum) },
SlamRadialDmg = { function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk.SlamRadialDmg or 0, statRead(weapAtk, 'SlamRadialElement')
end, function(self, dmg, elem)
	if elem then
		return Tooltip.icon(elem, 'DamageTypes')..' '..Math.formatnum(dmg)
	return Math.formatnum(dmg)
SlamRadialElement = { nil, function(self, value)
	return value ~= nil and Tooltip.full(value, 'DamageTypes') or 'Same damage type distribution as normal attack'
-- Slam radial forced proc(s)
SlamRadialProcs = { nil, function(self, proc)
	if type(proc)=='table' then
		local result = {}
		for _, elem in ipairs(proc) do
			table.insert(result, Tooltip.full(elem, 'DamageTypes'))
		return table.concat(result, '<br />')
		return 'N/A'
SlamRadius = { 0, '%.1f m' },
SlideAttack = { function(weapAtk)
	return weapAtk.SlamRadialDmg or 0, statRead(weapAtk, 'SlideElement')
end, function(self, dmg, elem)
	if elem then
		return Tooltip.icon(elem, 'DamageTypes')..' '..Math.formatnum(dmg)
	return Math.formatnum(dmg)
SlideElement = { nil, function(self, value)
	return value ~= nil and Tooltip.full(value, 'DamageTypes') or 'Same damage type distribution as normal attack'
--[[Stances = function(weapAtk)
	if not statRead(weapAtk, 'IsMelee') then return end
	return Stances._getAllStancesSameType(statRead(weapAtk, "Class"))
	--             ^ currently a local function
-- Not all weapons have an Stance slot so default to nil
StancePolarity = { nil, function(self, stancePolarity)
	if (stancePolarity == nil) then
		return 'N/A'
	return Polarity._polarity(stancePolarity)
SweepRadius = { 0, '%.2f m' },
WindUp = { 0, '%.1f s' },
BurstCount = 1,
-- Average crit/proc count from a single attack input
AvgCritCount = function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'CritChance') * statRead(weapAtk, 'Multishot')
AvgCritPerSec = function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'AvgCritCount') * statRead(weapAtk, 'EffectiveFireRate')
AvgProcCount = function(weapAtk)
	return ( statRead(weapAtk, 'StatusChance') + Table.size(weapAtk['ForcedProcs'] or {}) ) * statRead(weapAtk, 'Multishot')
AvgProcPerSec = function(weapAtk)
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'AvgProcCount') * statRead(weapAtk, 'EffectiveFireRate')
InterShotTime = function(weapAtk)
	local v = statRead(weapAtk, 'Magazine') == 1 and statRead(weapAtk, 'Reload') + statRead(weapAtk, 'ReloadDelayEmpty') or 0
	if v == 0 then v = 1 / statRead(weapAtk, 'FireRate') end
	return v
EffectiveFireRate = function(weapAtk)
	return 1 / ( statRead(weapAtk, 'ChargeTime') + statRead(weapAtk, 'InterShotTime') )
ShotsPerMag = function(weapAtk)
	-- Default to 1 "ammo cost" even if attack does not directly consume ammo (e.g. AoE hits, speargun throws, etc.)
	return math.floor(statRead(weapAtk, 'Magazine') / (statRead(weapAtk, 'AmmoCost') or 1))
FireRate = { function(weapAtk)
	local dataFireRate = weapAtk['FireRate']
	if dataFireRate then return dataFireRate end
	-- TODO: Think we can safely remove this calculation of FireRate from BurstFireRate, BurstDelay, and BurstCount
	-- for burst-fire attacks since FireRate is also included for those
	mw.log('calculating FireRate from Burst stats for '..statRead(weapAtk, 'Name'))
	local count = statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstCount')
	local fireRate = count / (1 / statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstFireRate') + count * statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstDelay'))
	return fireRate
end, '%.3f attacks/sec'
BurstFireRate = { function(weapAtk)
	return 1 / statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstDelay')
end, '%.2f attacks/sec'
Describing what happens when a gun in WARFRAME is fired using player-made terminology:

A particular gun consumes a set number of ammo in order to fire a set number of shots
on a single player input for a particular attack.

A single player input is defined as:
* a single attack button press for semi-auto and burst trigger weapons
* the moment the next shot is being fired when the attack button is being held for automatic/held trigger weapons
* the action of holding the attack button for charge trigger weapons
* for duplex-fire trigger weapons, the hold and release of the attack button counts as two inputs

A shot is defined as the base unit of attack of a weapon when unmodded.
* A single attack input can launch several shots as in the case of burst-fire weapons.
* A single shot can shoot more than one projectile, affected by the multishot stat, as in the case of shotguns.
* A single shot can consume more than one unit of ammo (e.g. Tenora's alt-fire) or 
less than one unit of ammo (e.g. Ignis and most continuous weapons).

A gun can have multiple attacks which can be triggered using different buttons 
and/or types of button inputs (e.g. pressing vs. holding)
CalcDamage = function(weapAtk)
	local weapon, attack = weapAtk, weapAtk
	-- Count
	-- How many shots are fired in a single player input
	local tapShots = statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstCount')
	-- How many individual player inputs can occur before depleting a magazine
	local magTaps = statRead(weapAtk, 'ShotsPerMag')
	-- How many additional projectiles are fired per ammo
	local multishot = statRead(weapAtk, 'Multishot')
	-- How much ammo is contained in the magazine
	local magazine = statRead(weapAtk, 'Magazine')
	-- How much ammo can be drawn from reserves (or?, how much ammo can be used without picking up more)
	local ammoMax = statRead(weapAtk, 'AmmoMax')

	-- Time^-1
	local fireRate = statRead(weapAtk, 'FireRate')
	-- Time
	local shotTime = statRead(weapAtk, 'InterShotTime')
	local chargeTime = statRead(weapAtk, 'ChargeTime')
	local burstDelayTime = statRead(weapAtk, 'BurstDelay')
	local reloadDelayTime = statRead(weapAtk, 'ReloadDelayEmpty')
	local reloadTime = statRead(weapAtk, 'Reload')
	local tapTime = chargeTime + (tapShots - 1) * burstDelayTime
	-- tapTime: The time between the last shot fired and the next valid attack input
	-- (omitting latency of course).
	-- Note that first shot of any non-charge trigger attack is instantenous
	local magDepletionTime = magTaps * tapTime
	if magDepletionTime == 0 then -- If attack is not a charged attack
		if shotTime == 0 then
			shotTime = 1 / fireRate
		magDepletionTime = magTaps / fireRate
	local shotDelayTime = math.max(0, shotTime - tapTime)

	-- Multiplier
	local maxProgenitorBonus = statRead(weapAtk, 'IsLichWeapon') and 1.6 or 1
	local avgCritMult = 1 + (statRead(weapAtk, 'CritMultiplier') - 1) * statRead(weapAtk, 'CritChance')
	-- Damage
	local biasPortion, biasType, hitDamage = statRead(weapAtk, 'DamageBias')
	local avgDmgOnTap = hitDamage * avgCritMult * multishot * tapShots * maxProgenitorBonus
	local avgDmgPerMag = avgDmgOnTap * magTaps
	-- 1 is needed b/c one whole magazine is not included in reserve ammo count
	-- If there is no reserve ammo, that means that weapon can deal an infinite amount of damage theoretically
	local avgLifetimeDmg = (ammoMax ~= nil) and avgDmgPerMag * (1 + (ammoMax / magazine)) or math.huge
	-- Damage / Time
	local baseDps = hitDamage * multishot / shotTime
	local avgSustainedDps = avgDmgPerMag / (magDepletionTime + reloadDelayTime + reloadTime) / tapShots
	local avgBurstDps = avgDmgOnTap / (tapTime + shotDelayTime) / tapShots
	-- Note that burst DPS can also be calculated as such:
	-- local avgBurstDps = (hitDamage * avgCritMults * maxProgenitorBonus) * multishot / shotTime
	-- local avgBurstDps = avgDmgPerMag / magDepletionTime
	return StatObject.ucacheIn(weapAtk, 'CalcDamage',
			{ hitDamage, avgDmgOnTap, avgBurstDps, avgSustainedDps, avgLifetimeDmg, baseDps, avgDmgPerMag }
ShotDmg = indexes('CalcDamage', 1),	-- Total damage per projectile
AvgShotDmg = indexes('CalcDamage', 2), AvgTapDmg = indexes('CalcDamage', 2),	-- Average total damage per each input button
BurstDps = indexes('CalcDamage', 3),	-- Average burst damage per second/DPS w/o reloading
SustainedDps = indexes('CalcDamage', 4),	-- Average sustained damage per second/DPS w/ reloading
LifetimeDmg = indexes('CalcDamage', 5),	-- Average total damage from entire ammo pool
BaseDps = indexes('CalcDamage', 6),	-- Base damage per second w/ multishot w/o crit
MagDmg = indexes('CalcDamage', 7),	-- Average total damage per magazine
-- Average damage scaled by melee attack speed multiplier (numerator of melee DPS w/o accounting for stances and animation time)
AvgDmgWithAnimSpeedMulti = function(weapAtk)
	if statRead(weapAtk, 'IsMelee') then
		-- Some melee weapons have attacks with multishot like Redeemer, Vastilok, and Quassus
		return statRead(weapAtk, 'BaseDamage') * statRead(weapAtk, 'Multishot') * statRead(weapAtk, 'AttackSpeed')
	return 0
AttackSpeed = { --[[ors('AttackSpeed', 'FireRate')]]function(weapAtk)
	if not statRead(weapAtk, 'IsMelee') then
		error('AttackSpeed: Cannot get AttackSpeed attribute for a non-melee weapon; use p.statRead(weapAtk, "FireRate") instead')
	return statRead(weapAtk, 'FireRate')
end, '%.2fx animation speed'
IsMelee = function(weapAtk) return statRead(weapAtk, 'Slot'):find('Melee') or statRead(weapAtk, 'Slot'):find('melee') ~= nil end,
IsSilent = ors('IsSilent', 'IsMelee', false),
HasAoEAttack = function(weap)
	for i, attackEntry in pairs(weap['Attacks']) do
		if attackEntry['ShotType'] == 'AoE' then
			return true
	return false
Conclave = false,
Image = { 'Panel.png', '[[File:%s|link=]]' },
Attacks = ors('Attacks', p._getAttack, {}),
Family = nil,
FamilyList = { function(weapAtk)
	local family = statRead(weapAtk, 'Family')
	-- assert(family, 'i have no Family :\'(')
	if not family then return {weapAtk} end
	-- return family, statRead(weapAtk, 'Slot')
	local slot = statRead(weapAtk, 'Slot')
	local result = {}
	for _, w in pairs(WeaponData[slot] or error('FamilyList: no weapondata for slot '..(slot or '<nil>'))) do
		if w.Family == family then
			table.insert(result, w)
	table.sort(result, function(a,b) return a.Name<b.Name end)
	return result
end, function(self, result)
	for i,w in ipairs(result) do
		result[i]=Tooltip.full(w.Name, 'Weapons', w)
	return table.concat(result, '<br />')
BaseName = function(weapAtk) return weapAtk['BaseName'] or ({p._getVariant(statRead(weapAtk, 'Name'))})[3] end,
-- TODO: Add comments to Explosion function for readability
-- TODO: Do not rely on attack name to determine what AoE component is attached to which main direct hit component
---^i suggest an explosion key with either the attack number of any corresponding explosion, nested attack tables, or some other way to make a tree
-- TODO: Use ShotType = "AoE" to determine if attack entry is AoE
Explosion = function(weapAtk)
	local weap, atk = weapAtk, weapAtk
	-- tbh this is a mess
	local explosion = weapAtk['Explosion'] or statRead(weapAtk, 'AttackName'):gsub(' Impact',''):gsub(' Contact','')..' Explosion'
	if type(explosion) == 'string' then
		explosion = weap.Attacks[tonumber(explosion:gsub('%D',''))] or explosion
	elseif type(explosion) == 'number' then
		explosion = weap.Attacks[explosion] or explosion
	local explosions = {}
	if type(explosion) ~= 'table' then
		for i, v in ipairs(weap.Attacks) do
			if p._statRead(weapAtk, v, 'AttackName'):find 'xplosion' then
				if p._statRead(weapAtk, v, 'AttackName') == explosion then
					explosions[1] = nil
					explosion = v
				table.insert(explosions, v)
		explosion = explosions[1] or explosion
	StatObject.pcacheIn(getWeaponAttack(weap, explosion), 'BaseAttack', atk)
	return StatObject.pucacheIn(weapAtk, 'Explosion', explosion)
IsVariant = function(weap)
	return StatObject.pucacheIn(weap, 'IsVariant', p._isVariant(statRead(weap, 'Name')))
Variant = indexes('IsVariant', 2),
BaseName = indexes('IsVariant', 3),
Categories = { function(weapAtk)
	local cats = { 'Weapons' }
	-- Adding editor-defined traits from M:Weapons/data
	-- Note to make sure they have a proper category page associated with a trait
	for _, trait in ipairs(weapAtk.Traits or {}) do
		table.insert(cats, trait..' Weapons')
local CATEGORY_MAP = {
	Primary = 'Primary Weapons',
	Secondary = 'Secondary Weapons',
	Melee = 'Melee Weapons',
	['Archmelee'] = 'Archwing Melee',
	['Archgun'] = 'Archwing Gun',
	['Archgun (Atmosphere)'] = 'Archwing Gun',
	Kitgun = 'Kitgun',
	Zaw = 'Zaw',
	['Railjack Turret'] = 'Railjack',
	['Railjack Armament'] = 'Railjack',
	Gear = 'Gear',
	Rifle = 'Assault Rifle',
	['Sniper Rifle'] = 'Sniper Rifle',
	Shotgun = 'Shotgun',
	Pistol = 'Pistol',
	['Dual Pistols'] = 'Dual Pistols',
	Bow = 'Bow',
	Launcher = 'Launcher',
	['Arm-Cannon'] = 'Arm-Cannon',
	['Speargun'] = 'Speargun',
	Thrown = 'Thrown',
	['Shotgun Sidearm'] = 'Shotgun Sidearm',
	Prime = 'Prime Weapons',
	['Never Vaulted'] = 'Never Vaulted',
	Vaulted = 'Vaulted',
	Wraith = 'Wraith',
	Vandal = 'Vandal',
	['Kuva Lich'] = 'Kuva Lich',
	['Kuva Lich'] = 'Kuva',
	Prisma = 'Prisma',
	Grineer = 'Grineer Weapons',
	Corpus = 'Corpus Weapons',
	Infested = 'Infested Weapons',
	Tenno = 'Tenno Weapons',
	Sentient = 'Sentient Weapons',
	Entrati = 'Entrati Weapons',
	Baro = 'Baro Ki\'Teer Offering',
	Syndicate = 'Syndicate Offerings',
	['Invasion Reward'] = 'Invasion Reward',
	['Alt Fire'] = 'Weapons with Alt Fire',
	['AoE'] = 'Weapons with Area of Effect]][[Category:Self Interrupt Weapons',
	local bias = p._getValue(weapAtk, "BiasType")
	table.insert(cats, bias..' Damage Weapons')
	local class = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Class")
	table.insert(cats, ({
		["Arm Cannon"] = class,
		["Bow"] = class,
		["Crossbow"] = "Bow",
		["Dual Pistols"] = class,
		["Dual Shotguns"] = class,
		["Exalted Weapon"] = class,
		["Launcher"] = class,
		["Pistol"] = class,
		["Rifle"] = class,
		["Shotgun Sidearm"] = class,
		["Shotgun"] = class,
		["Sniper Rifle"] = class,
		["Speargun"] = class,
		["Thrown"] = class,
		["Tome"] = class,
		["Assault Saw"] = class,
		["Blade and Whip"] = class,
		Claws = class,
		Dagger = class,
		["Dual Daggers"] = class,
		["Dual Nikanas"] = class,
		["Dual Swords"] = class,
		Fist = class,
		Glaive = class,
		Gunblade = class,
		Hammer = class,
		["Heavy Blade"] = class,
		["Heavy Scythe"] = class,
		Machete = class,
		Nikana = class,
		Nunchaku = class,
		Polearm = class,
		Rapier = class,
		Scythe = class,
		Sparring = class,
		Staff = class,
		Sword = class,
		["Sword and Shield"] = class,
		["Two-Handed Nikana"] = class,
		Tonfa = class,
		Warfan = class,
		Whip = class,
		["Archgun"] = 'Archwing Gun',
		["Archgun (Atmosphere)"] = 'Archwing Gun',
		["Archmelee"] = 'Archwing Melee',
		["Turret"] = 'Railjack Armaments',
		["Ordnance"] = 'Railjack Armaments',
		Amp = class
	})[class] or "Other Weapons")

	local family = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Family")
	table.insert(cats, family)
	local slot = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Slot")
	table.insert(cats, slot..' Weapons')
	-- TODO: Move all these trigger categories to be in the format "Category:Trigger Name Weapons"
	local trigger = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Trigger")
	table.insert(cats, trigger..' Weapons')
	-- TODO: remove original trigger cats? (following snippet)
		["Active"] = trigger,
		["Auto Charge"] = 'Charge',
		["Auto"] = 'Automatic',
		["Auto-Burst"] = 'Burst Fire',
		["Auto-Spool"] = 'Automatic',
		["Burst"] = 'Burst Fire',
		["Charge"] = trigger,
		["Duplex"] = 'Duplex Fire',
		["Held"] = 'Continuous Weapons',
		["Semi-Auto"] = 'Semi-Automatic',
	})[trigger]))--modes? " Weapons"?
	local users = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Users") or {}
	for _, user in ipairs(users) do table.insert(cats, user) end
	local variant = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Variant")
	table.insert(cats, variant)
	local infAmmo = p._getValue(weapAtk, "AmmoMax") == math.huge
	local accuracy = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Accuracy")
	local pinpoint = accuracy ~= nil and accuracy >= 100
	local regens = p._getValue(weapAtk, "ReloadRate") > 0
	local silent = weapAtk.IsSilent -- automatically includes
	local single = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Magazine") == 1 and not p._getValue(weapAtk, "IsMelee")--meh, delet?
	local spools = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Spool") > 0
	local isAoE = p._getValue(weapAtk, "HasAoEAttack")
	local isCodexSecret = p._getValue(weapAtk, "CodexSecret")
	local isTradable = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Tradable")
	local isInConclave = p._getValue(weapAtk, "Conclave")
	-- Arbitrarily ordering misc categories
	if infAmmo then table.insert(cats, 'Infinite Ammo Weapons') end
	if pinpoint then table.insert(cats, 'Pinpoint Weapons') end
	if regens then table.insert(cats, 'Battery Weapons') end
	if silent then
		table.insert(cats, 'Silent Weapons')
		table.insert(cats, 'Alarming Weapons')
	if single then table.insert(cats, 'Single Shot Weapons') end
	if spools then table.insert(cats, 'Spooling Weapons') end
	if isAoE then table.insert(cats, 'Weapons with Area of Effect') end
	if isCodexSecret then table.insert(cats, 'Codex Secret') end
	if isTradable then
		table.insert(cats, 'Tradeable Weapons')
		table.insert(cats, 'Untradeable Weapons')
	if isInConclave then table.insert(cats, 'Available In Conclave') end
	return StatObject.cacheIn(weapAtk, 'Categories', cats)
end, function(s, cats)
	local wikitextResult = { '' }	-- Need to prepend a newline so first asterisk is rendered as a wikitext list
	local formatStr = '*[[:Category:%s|%s]][[Category:%s]]'
	for _, category in ipairs(cats) do
		table.insert(wikitextResult, formatStr:format(category, category, category))
	return table.concat(wikitextResult, '\n')
SyndicateEffect = { '', function(s, v)
	return (v == '' or type(v) ~= 'string') and '' or Tooltip.icon(({
		['blight'] = 'Red Veil',
		['entropy'] = 'Cephalon Suda',
		['justice'] = 'Steel Meridian',
		['purity'] = 'New Loka',
		['sequence'] = 'The Perrin Sequence',
		['truth'] = 'Arbiters of Hexis',
	})[v:lower()] or 'Tenno', 'Factions')
	..' '..v
MinProgenitorBonus = function(weap) return weap.IsLichWeapon and statRead(weap, 'BaseDamage') * 0.25 or 0 end,
ProgenitorBonus = function(weap) return weap.IsLichWeapon and statRead(weap, 'BaseDamage') * 0.6 or 0 end,
Class = '',
SniperComboReset = { nil, '%.1f s' },
SniperComboMin = { nil, '%d shot(s)' },
Tradable = { function(weapAtk)
	if type(weapAtk['Tradable'])=='number' then
			'Tradable: Does not support tradeability enums beyond 5; please update [[Module:Weapons/data]] and [[Module:Weapons]] to support more tradeability edge cases')
		return ({
			[4]='Built Parts',
	return weapAtk['Tradable']
end, function(s, tradable)
	return ({ 
		[false] = 'Untradeable',
		Unranked = 'Tradeable unranked w/ no Forma or Catalyst',
		Parts = 'Tradeable parts and/or blueprint only',
		Lich = 'Tradeable indirectly through [[Lich System|Lich]] trading',
		['Built Parts'] = 'Tradeable only fully built components, not blueprints',
		Parent = 'Tradeable indirectly, comes with parent companion',
	})[tradable] or 'Untradeable?'
SellPrice = { nil, function(self, sellPrice)
	if sellPrice == nil then
		return 'Cannot sell'
	return Tooltip.icon('Credits', 'Resources')..' '..Math.formatnum(sellPrice)
DefaultUpgrades = { nil, function(self, upgradesArr)
	local result = {}
	for _, modIndex in ipairs(upgradesArr or {}) do
		table.insert(result, Tooltip.full(modIndex, 'Mods'))
	return table.concat(result, '<br />')
Users = { nil, function(self, usersArr)
	local result = { '' }
	for _, user in ipairs(usersArr or {}) do
		table.insert(result, '*[['..user..']]')
	return table.concat(result, '\n')
Zoom = { unpacks('Zoom'), { sep = '<br />' } },
Slot = nil,
-- Loops for adding to StatObject.default table
-- Damage type getters:
-- <DamageType> = damage type value
-- <DamageType>Distribution = damage type distribution as a percentage
-- PvP<DamageType> = damage type value with precise formatting for PvP purposes
for _, damageType in ipairs(iterationOrderArray) do
	StatObject.default[damageType] = {
		function(weapAtk) return weapAtk['Damage'][damageType] or 0 end,
		function(self, value) return Tooltip.icon(damageType, 'DamageTypes')..' '..Math.formatnum(value) end
	-- Damage distribution as a percentage
	StatObject.default[damageType..'Distribution'] = {
		function(weapAtk) return weapAtk['Damage'][damageType] / statRead(weapAtk, 'BaseDamage') end,
		function(self, value) return Tooltip.icon(damageType, 'DamageTypes')..' '..Math.percentage(value) end
	-- More precise damage values to 4 decimal places for PvP
	StatObject.default['PvP'..damageType] = {
		function(weapAtk) return weapAtk['Damage'][damageType] or 0 end,
		Tooltip.icon(damageType, 'DamageTypes')..' %.4f'

-- TODO: Do not rely on localized name to determine a weapon's variant. Decouple localization from data
---	Checks if a weapon is a variant or not.
--	@function		p._isVariant
--	@param			{string} weaponName Weapon name
--	@returns		{boolean} True if weapon is a variant, false otherwise
--	@returns		{string} Weapon's variant name or "Base" if weapon is not a variant
--	@returns		{string} Weapon name, same as weaponName
function p._isVariant(weaponName)
	for i, var in pairs(VARIANT_LIST) do
		if (var ~= "Dex" or weaponName ~= "Dex Pixia") then
			if string.find(weaponName, var) then
				return true, var, (string.gsub(weaponName, " ?"..var.." ?-?", ""))
	return false, "Base", weaponName

---	Builds the full name of a weapon's variant. Does not check if it exists or not.
--	@function		p._buildName
--	@param			{string} baseName Weapon's base name (e.g. "Braton")
--	@param[opt]		{string} variant Variant name (e.g. "Vandal"); if nil, returns base weapon name instead
--	@returns		{string} Weapon's variant name (e.g. "Braton Vandal")
function p._buildName(baseName, variant)
	if not variant or variant == 'Base' or variant == '' then
		return baseName
	return (({
		-- Prime Laser Rifle is an edge case for Prime naming scheme (at least in EN localization)
		Prime =  baseName ~= 'Laser Rifle' and '%b %v',
		Vandal = '%b %v',
		Wraith = '%b %v',
		MK1 = '%v-%b',
	})[variant] or '%v %b'):gsub('%%v', variant):gsub('%%b', baseName)

---	Returns a specific weapon table entry from <code>/data</code> or <code>/Conclave/data</code>.
--	@function		p._getWeapon
--	@param			{string} weaponName Weapon name
--	@param[opt]		{boolean} pvp If true, gets PvP stats of weapon instead, false otherwise; defaults to false
--	@returns		{table} Weapon table
function p._getWeapon(weaponName, pvp)
	weaponName = mw.text.decode(weaponName)
	return (pvp and ConclaveData or WeaponData)[weaponName] or
	error('p._getWeapon(weaponName, pvp): "'..weaponName..
		'" does not exist in '..(pvp and '[[Module:Weapons/Conclave/data]]' or '[[Module:Weapons/data]]'))

---	Gets the raw value of a certain statistic of a weapon.
--	@function		p._getValue
--	@param			{table} Weapon Weapon table
--	@param			{string} key Name of key
--	@param[opt]		{string} attack Name of attack to search through; defaults to 'Attack1' or what '_TooltipAttackDisplay' is set to
--	@returns		{string, number} Value of statistic
function p._getValue(weap, key, atk)--, formatted)
	-- return (formatted and statFormat or statRead)(weap, atk, key)
	return p._statRead(weap, atk, key)

---	Gets the formatted value of a certain statistic of a weapon to be displayed
--	the wiki.
--	@function		p._getFormattedValue
--	@param			{table} Weapon Weapon table
--	@param			{string} keyName Name of key
--	@param[opt]		{string} attackName Name of attack to search through; defaults to 'Attack1'
--	@returns		{string} Value of statistic
function p._getFormattedValue(weap, key, atk)
	-- return p._getValue(Weapon, keyName, attackName, true)
	return p._statFormat(weap, atk, key)

--- Function that returns a simpler getter function, for multiple _stat*() calls on the same weapon/attack pair.
--	@function		p._statReader
--	@param			{table} weap Weapon entry
--	@param			{number|table} atk Attacks table index or Attack entry
--	@return			{function} Getter function
function p._statReader(weap, atk)
	return function(...) return p._statRead(weap, atk, ...) end

--- Function that returns a simpler getter function, for multiple _stat*() calls on the same weapon/attack pair.
--	@function		p._statFormatter
--	@param			{table} weap Weapon entry
--	@param			{number|table} atk Attacks table index or Attack entry
--	@return			{function} Getter function
function p._statFormatter(weap, atk)
	return function(...) return p._statFormat(weap, atk, ...) end

---	Returns a subset of <code>/data</code> or <code>/Conclave/data</code> based on a validation function.
--	@function		p._getWeapons
--	@param			{function} validateFunction Function that filters out a weapon by taking in a Weapon table argument
--	@param[opt]		{string} source Name of weapon entry to use
--	@param[opt]		{boolean} ignoreIgnore If true, ignores the _IgnoreEntry flag, false otherwise; defaults to false
--	@param[opt]		{function} sortFunc Custom comparison function; false -> no sorting; defaults to sorting in ascending order by weapon name
--	@returns		{table} Table of weapon table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p._getWeapons(validateFunction, source, opts)
	opts=opts or {}
	local ignoreIgnore, sortFunc, pvp = opts.ignoreIgnore, opts.sortFunc, opts.pvp
	validateFunction = validateFunction or function() return true end
	local data = pvp and ConclaveData or WeaponData
	if source then
		data = data[source]

	local weaps = {}
	for _, weap in pairs(data) do
		if (ignoreIgnore or not weap['_IgnoreEntry']) and validateFunction(weap) then
			table.insert(weaps, weap)
	if sortFunc ~= false then
		table.sort(weaps, sortFunc or function(a, b) return a.Name < b.Name end)
	return weaps

---	Returns all melee weapons. If weapType is not nil, only grab for a specific type
--	For example, if weapType is "Nikana", only pull Nikanas.
--	@function		p._getMeleeWeapons
--	@param[opt]		{boolean} weapType
--	@param[opt]		{boolean} pvp If true, only gets melee weapons available in Conclave, false otherwise; defaults to false
--	@returns		{table} An array of melee weapon table entries as seen in <code>/data</code>
function p._getMeleeWeapons(weapType,pvp)
	return p._getWeapons(weapType and function(weap) return weap.Class==weapType end, 'melee',{['pvp']=pvp==true})

---	Main frame invokable function to access any raw/computed attribute/column/key of a weapon entry.
--	See default table in M:Weapons to see all valid computed attributes.
--	@function		p.getValue
--	@param			{string} weap Weapon name in EN locale
--	@param			{number} atk Attacks table index
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@return			Raw or computed value associated with k key
function p.getValue(frame)
	-- table.unpack doesn't work on the frame object which is why this is anonymous function is needed
	local weap, key, atk = (function(t) return t[1], t[2], t[3] end)(frame.args)
	weap = p._getWeapon(weap)
	return p._getValue(weap, key, atk)

---	Main frame invokable function to access any formatted attribute/column/key of a weapon entry.
--	See default table in M:Weapons to see all valid computed attributes.
--	@function		p.getFormattedValue
--	@param			{string} weap Weapon name in EN locale
--	@param			{number} atk Attacks table index
--	@param			{string} k Key name
--	@return			Formatted value associated with k key
function p.getFormattedValue(frame)
	local weap, key, atk = (function(t) return t[1], t[2], t[3] end)(frame.args)
	weap = p._getWeapon(weap)
	return p._getFormattedValue(weap, key, atk)

---	Builds a melee weapon gallery as seen on [[Template:MeleeCategory]].
--	@function		p.getMeleeWeaponGallery
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ first argumenting being string meleeClass
--	@returns		{string} Resultant wikitext of gallery
function p.getMeleeWeaponGallery(frame)
	local meleeClass = frame.args[1] or ''
	local result = { "=="..meleeClass.." Weapons==", '<gallery widths="200" position="center" spacing="small">' }
	for i, weap in ipairs(p._getMeleeWeapons(meleeClass)) do
		table.insert(result, p._statRead(weap, nil, 'Image')..'|'..p._statFormat(weap, nil, 'Name'))
	table.insert(result, '</gallery>')
	return frame:preprocess(table.concat(result, '\n')) -- annoying that it needs to be preprocessed

---	Gets the total count of weapons as used on [[Mastery Rank#Total Mastery]].
--	@function		p.getWeaponCount
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ the first argument being the weaponSlot and the
--						  second argument being a boolean to getFullList
--	@returns		{number} Total count of weapons in a certain category/type
--	@returns		{table} List of weapon names that count for mastery in a particular weapon slot
function p._getWeaponCount(slot)
	slot = slot and slot:lower()
	local data = slot and WeaponData[slot] or WeaponData
	local fullList = {}
	for name, weapon in pairs(data) do
		if not weapon._IgnoreInMasteryCount then
			-- TODO: There should be a better way to determine/differentiate if a weapon is a kitgun b/c kitguns and zaws
			-- are stored in the same M:Weapons/data/modular data store; add a new "Kitgun" or "Zaw" Trait and target that?
			if (slot == 'kitgun' and weapon.Slot == 'Secondary')
				or (slot == 'zaw' and weapon.Slot == 'Melee')
				or (slot == 'robotic' and weapon.Slot ~= 'Hound')
				or (weapon.Slot:lower() == slot)
				or slot == nil then
				fullList[#fullList + 1] = name

	return #fullList, fullList

---	Gets the total count of weapons as used on [[Mastery Rank#Total Mastery]].
--	@function		p.getWeaponCount
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ the first argument being the weapon slot
--	@return			{number} Total number of weapons that can reward Mastery XP
function p.getWeaponCount(frame)
	return (p._getWeaponCount(frame.args and frame.args[1] or nil))

---	Builds wikitable of all weapons' innate polarities as seen on [[Polarity]].
--	@function		p.getPolarityTable
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant wikitable
function p.getPolarityTable(frame)
	local colNames = { 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'Melee', 'Archgun', 'Archmelee' }
	local cols = {}	-- Will look like: {['Primary']={},['Secondary']={},['Melee']={},['Archgun']={},['Archmelee']={},}
	local colOrder = {}	--{cols['Primary'],cols['Secondary'],cols['Melee'],cols['Archgun'],cols['Archmelee'],}
	local colCounts = {}

	for i, v in ipairs(colNames) do
		cols[v] = {}
		colOrder[i] = cols[v]
		colCounts[v] = 0

	for _, weapon in pairs(WeaponData) do
		local pols = Table.size(weapon["Polarities"] or {})
		local slot = weapon['Slot']
		if pols > 0 and cols[slot] then
			table.insert(cols[slot], {
				'|'..p._getFormattedValue(weapon, 'NameLink'):gsub(' ?%(.*%)', '')..'||'..p._getFormattedValue(weapon, "Polarities"),
			colCounts[slot] = colCounts[slot] + 1

	for i, v in ipairs(colNames) do
		colCounts[i] = colCounts[v]
		table.sort(cols[v], function(a, b)return a[2] > b[2] end)

	local result = {[=[
{| style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse;" cellpadding="2" border="1"
|+ '''Weapons with Innate Polarities (ignoring Stance and Exilus slots)'''
! colspan="2" |Primaries
! colspan="2" |Secondaries
! colspan="2" |Melees
! colspan="2" |Archguns
! colspan="2" |Archmelees]=]}
	for i = 1, math.max(table.unpack(colCounts)) do --row
		table.insert(result, '|-')
		for _, col in ipairs(colOrder) do --cell
			table.insert(result,(col[i] or {'| ||'})[1])
	table.insert(result, '|}')
	return table.concat(result, '\n')

---	Builds a table that lists out all weapons with a certain damage type
--	@function		p.buildDamageTypeTable
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant wikitable
function p.buildDamageTypeTable(frame)
	local damageType = frame.args and frame.args[1] or frame
	local mostly = frame.args and (frame.args[2] or '') ~= ''

	local content = {}
	for k,weap in pairs(WeaponData) do
		local weapAtk = getWeaponAttack(weap)--could add a loop here
		local portion, biastype, damage = statRead(weapAtk, 'DamageBias')
		local typeDmg = statRead(weapAtk, damageType)
		if damage == 0 then typeDmg = weapAtk[damageType] and 1 or 0 end--modular pieces
		--Filter for
		--a. any of the damage type in any attack - former 'not mostly'
		--b. at least one majority damage type - former 'mostly'
		--c. a majority of the damage type in the display attack - 'mostly'
		--d. any of the damage type in the display attack - 'not mostly'
		if biastype == damageType or not mostly and typeDmg > 0 then
			table.insert(content, ('| %s || %s || %s || %s || %s || data-sort-value="%s" | %s'):format(
				statFormat(weapAtk, 'Name'),
				statRead(weapAtk, 'Slot'),
				statRead(weapAtk, 'Class'),
				statRead(weapAtk, 'AttackName'),
				portion, statFormat(weapAtk, 'DamageBias')
	table.sort(content)--will sort by tooltip span key

	return ([[
{| class = "listtable sortable" style="margin:auto;"
|+ '''Weapons with %s%s damage'''
! Name !! Slot !! Class !! Attack Name !! data-sort-type="number" | %s !! data-sort-type="number" | Majority
]]):format(mostly and 'mostly ' or '', damageType, Tooltip.full(damageType, 'DamageTypes'))
	..table.concat(content, '\n|-\n')..'\n|}'

--- _isVariant adapter for p._shortLinkList
local function variantOf(weap)
	local full, _, var, base = weap.Name, p._isVariant(weap.Name)
	return var, base, full

---	Builds a list of weapons, with variants being next to base weapon name inside parentheses
--	(e.g. {{Weapon|Braton}} ({{Weapon|MK1-Braton|MK1}}, {{Weapon|Braton Prime|Prime}})).
--	@function		p._shortLinkList
--	@param			{table} Weapon Weapon table
--	@param			{boolean} tooltip If true, adds weapon tooltips, false otherwise; defaults to false
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p._shortLinkList(Weapons, tooltip)
	return StatObject.shortLinkList(Weapons, variantOf, tooltip and 'Weapons')

---	Builds a list of weapons' mastery requirements as seen on [[Template:EquipmentUnlock]],
--	[[Template:EquipmentUnlock/Primary]], [[Template:EquipmentUnlock/Secondary]], 
--	[[Template:EquipmentUnlock/Melee]], etc.
--	@function		p.getMasteryShortList
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ first argument being a string weaponSlot
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p.getMasteryShortList(frame)
	local weaponSlot = frame.args[1]
	local masteryRank = tonumber(frame.args[2])
	local weapArray = p._getWeapons(function(x)
		return x.Slot == weaponSlot and x.Mastery == masteryRank
	return table.concat(StatObject.shortLinkList(weapArray, variantOf, 'Weapons'), ' • ')

function p.fullList()
	return table.concat(StatObject.shortLinkList(WeaponData, variantOf, 'Weapons'), ' • ')

---	Builds a list of PvP weapons as seen on [[PvP#Limitations]].
--	@function		p.getConclaveList
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ first argument being a string weaponSlot
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant list
function p.getConclaveList(frame)
	local weaponSlot = frame.args[1] or 'All'
	local weapArray = p._getWeapons(function(weap)
		return weap.Conclave == true
	end, weaponSlot, {pvp=true})
	return '*'..table.concat(StatObject.shortLinkList(weapArray, variantOf), '\n* ')

function p.getListWithWarframes(frame)
	local date_str = ''
	local list = {'{| class="listtable sortable" style="overflow-y:scroll; max-height:500px"', '|-', '!data-sort-type="date"| Release !! Weapon !! Warframes'}
	local frames = {}
	for _, warframe in pairs(WarframeData.Warframes) do
		if warframe.Introduced then
			date_str = Version._getVersionDate(warframe.Introduced)
			if frames[date_str] then
				table.insert(frames[date_str], '{{WF|' .. warframe.Name .. '}}')
				frames[date_str] = {'{{WF|' .. warframe.Name .. '}}'}

	for _, weapon in pairs(WeaponData) do
		date_str = Version._getVersionDate(weapon.Introduced)

		warframe = frames[date_str] or {'N/A'}
		warframe = table.concat(warframe, ', ')
		date_str = date_str:sub(6, 7) .. '.' .. date_str:sub(9, 10) .. '.' .. date_str:sub(0, 4)

		table.insert(list, '|-')
		table.insert(list, '|data-sort-value=' .. date_str .. '|{{ver|' .. weapon.Introduced .. '}} ||{{Weapon|' .. weapon.Name .. '}}||' .. warframe)
	table.insert(list, '|}')

	return frame:preprocess(table.concat(list, '\n'))

---	Builds a disposition wikitable as seen on [[Riven Mods/Weapon Dispos]].
--	@function		p.getRivenDispositionTable
--	@param			{table} frame Frame object w/ first argument being a string weaponSlot
--	@returns		{string} Wikitext of resultant wikitable
function p.getRivenDispositionTable(frame)
	local weaponSlot = frame.args[1]
	local result = {
		'{| class="article-table" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%"',
		{'[[a| '},	-- Wikitable header row

	-- local ranges = {'○○○○○', '●○○○○', '●●○○○', '●●●○○', '●●●●○', '●●●●●'}
	local dispo = {}

	for k, weapon in pairs(WeaponData) do
		if weapon['Disposition'] and (weaponSlot == 'All' or weapon['Slot'] == weaponSlot) then
			local disp = p._statFormat(weapon, nil, 'Dispo')
			dispo[disp] = dispo[disp] or {}
			table.insert(dispo[disp], weapon)

	for str, dis in Table.skpairs(dispo) do
		table.sort(dis, function(a, b) return a['Disposition'] > b['Disposition'] end)
		local col = { '| style="vertical-align:top; font-size:small" |' }
		for _, weap in ipairs(dis) do
			table.insert(col, p._statFormat(weap, nil, 'NameLink')..' ('..weap['Disposition']..')')
		table.insert(result[3], str)
		table.insert(result, table.concat(col, '\n* '))

	result[3] = table.concat(result[3], ']]\n! scope="col" style="text-align:center;"|[[Riven Mods#Disposition|')..']]'
	table.insert(result, '|}')
	return table.concat(result, '\n')

return p